Red Squirrel Havens

Red Squirrel Havens - Copyright © IoW Life

The Isle of Wight is one of the few areas where only Red Squirrels are found. The species is native to the UK, but in the 1930's Grey Squirrels were introduced. This has endangered the existence of the red's by out competing them. Greys are more adapted to living in the broadleaved woodlands. They are more efficient in digesting seeds of high tannin content such as acorns and have become immune to Squirrelpox virus. Recently Adenovirus has also been found to threaten the population of the reds.

Red squirrels can be found mostly at dusk or dawn. They are skittish so be very quiet and still.

Best places to spot them are:
  • Behind the railway exhibit at Fort Victoria, Yarmouth
  • Around Shanklin Chine and Village
  • Osborne House Gardens
  • Robin Hill Country Park
  • The Garlic Farm
  • Borthwood Corpse
  • Quarr
  • Newport to Cowes Cycle tract
  • Appley Park, Ryde
  • Alverstone Mead

More info can be found @ Plight of the Red Squirrel