Parkhurst Forest

Parkhurst Forest - Copyright © IoW Life

Parkhurst Forest near Newport is one of the best places to search for red squirrels. There is a viewing hide specially built in 2001 with a high roof making it easy to spot the odd red high in the tree tops. Various sculptures created by local artists can be found around the hide too. The hide is accessible from the carpark a short easy 15 minute walk. Just follow the signs.

The forest is managed by Forestry England. It has a range of walking and cycling paths that run through the woodland – mostly unmarked – a perfect way to enjoy the fresh air.

Also to look out for at Parkhurst:
  • Earl-bordered fritillary butterflies
  • White admiral butterflies
  • Long-eared owl
  • Sparrow hawks
  • Buzzards

More info can be found @ Parkhurst, Forestry England